Laser Therapy
Laser therapy uses light rays to penetrate and heal damaged tissue and restore it to normal function. Our lasers decrease inflammation, increase circulation, and regenerate cartilage and soft tissue. The treatment is completely painless, and is especially useful for patients who don’t like needles. We have worked with laser companies and engineers to develop the most effective cold lasers available, allowing our patients access to the most advanced lasers in the U.S. for better faster results. Laser therapy is a completely safe and painless procedure. It treats a wide variety of conditions, and can be used effectively with adults and children.
Tennis Elbow and Laser Therapy
Red shows the inflammation of tennis elbow; the worst spot is dark red. After four minutes of treatment with our cold laser the inflammation has decreased considerably, showing a normal green color. The inflammation decreased for a longer period after each treatment until it eventually resolved completely.
Shin Splints and Laser Therapy
The inflammation of shin splints shows red on this thermography picture. Laser therapy on a weekly basis eliminated the uncomfortable condition completely.
Post Surgical Inflammation and Laser Therapy
(Kidney Stone Removal Trauma)
The top of this picture shows the women’s breast and an oblique angle of her abdomen. She had a bad kidney stone that was removed surgically. A guide tube ran up the urethra to the kidney where some complication left the kidney injured. The thermographic image shows the inflammation in dark red with specks of white. Our laser was able to help heal the kidney tissue quickly so the inflammation did not cause permanent damage.